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Cruel Hand, Phantoms Australian Tour

I drove Cruel Hand around in June and took some photos.


Promos – I Exist, The Hollow, Word Up, The Voyage, The Tearaways

I Exist

The Hollow

The Tearaways

Word Up

Endless Heights

The Voyage

Soundwave 2011

Shot these photos for No Heroes Magazine
More photos and videos:

Generation 2010 Carpathian Her Nightmare

4Dead Robotosaurus

I went along with 4Dead and Robotosaurus on their East coast tour, these are photos from the Adelaide show at Animal House.

I Exist – Studio video


I shot some video of I Exist while they were in the studio recording their second album, and edited it together to their song ‘Wyvern’s Keep’. All shot on a Canon 5DmkII.

I Exist has posted a studio clip of a new song taken from their forthcoming album. ‘Wyverns Keep’ will feature on the bands new album “II: The Broken Passage” which will be released on June 17 on both CD and LP through Resist Records. To cut the long-player, the band returned to Melbourne’s Goatsound Studios, this time with US producer Billy Anderson helming the desk, whose credits include Sleep’s Sleep’s Holy Mountain and Eyehategod’s Dopesick: both hugely influential records for the band.


Miles Away Defeater Fires Of Waco

I traveled with Fires Of Waco on the Miles Away, Defeater tour, here are a lot of photos.

 The Alley, Brisbane

Youth Activity Centre, Byron Bay

The Cambridge, Newcastle

The Bald Faced Stag, Sydney. More photos from this show are in issue #99 of Blunt Magazine.
The East Brunswick Club, Melbourne.
Rain dogs supporting in Byron Bay, first show for a new band featuring Winston McCall from Parkway Drive, and Kevin Call from Comeback Kid.
Outright supporting in Melbourne, featuring Aaron from I Exist, Yells from baking, Mel from painting and Brenton from drunk stage banter.
Endless Heights supporting in Sydney.
Good tour, would tour again.

Bit of an update

Over the last couple of months it seems I’ve been updating www.jhatphoto.tumblr.com and http://www.flickr.com/photos/mynameisjohnhatfield/ more than this blog.
Here’s a few things I’ve been shooting:

The Bronx at Soundwave.

Suicide Silence at No Sleep Til.

Queens Of The Stone Age at Soundwave

Billy Anderson recording I Exist’s new Album

Rohan of Extortion lending a guest vocal to I Exist’s new album.

Defeater – Brisbane all ages show – April 8th 2011

Bag Raiders

I shot Bag Raiders at Academy in Canberra in October last year for Triple J Magazine.

Strength Through Purity

Frenzal BBQ

I took some photos of Jay and Lindsay from Frenzal Rhomb for Blunt Magazine issue #95

Dressed as Fat Mike and Dave Mustaine.

Bad Romance Tour – 1

Some photos from the first leg of the Bad Romance Tour with I Exist and Phantoms.

Phantoms promo

Did some new promos for Phantoms in Queen Victoria Markets in Melbourne.

The Amity Affliction Dead Letter Circus BBQ

I did a photo shoot with a couple of members of The Amity Affliction and a couple from Dead Letter Circus for Blunt issue #93

The idea was to have a Master Chef style BBQ competition, after we arrived we realised the BBQ didn’t work so they ended up just getting silly with the raw ingredients.

Nile, Black Dahlia Murder, Unearth

Photos from the Nile show at the Factory Theater and The Black Dahlia Murder/Unearth show also at the Factory Theater. Published in Blunt Issue #91.


Bring Me The Horizon

I took some photos of Bring Me The Horizon at their show with Bullet For My Valentine and Cancer Bats at the Hordern Pavillion in October 2010. This photo is from Blunt issue #94
Photos of BFMV are here in a previous post.

And this is one of Cancer Bats.

Melbourne ‘straya day week

I went to Melbourne for a few days around Australia day with some fellow Canberrans, went to some shows and ate some food.

Aaron Osborne from death metal took the next two photos, the second one is of me.

Break Even – No Sleep Til

Break Even at ‘No Sleep Til’ Sydney.

More photos will be in the next issue of No Heroes


This is a shot of Benny that was to be used as the cover for a split CD between Observer and Carcass Brains. I don’t know if this will ever be finished or put out as both bands are now over.
With some added design by Patrick Galvin.

I Exist Phantoms Recording

I spent the day in the studio with I Exist and Phantoms as they recorded their split 7″ ‘Bad Romance’ with Lachlan Mitchell.

The 7″ will be released January 14th 2011, with a pre order available from December 6th.
The artwork can be here: http://tumblr.com/xl4r692c9


A track from the I Exist side ‘Mammoth Falls’ is up now too on  www.myspace.com/iexistmusic

No Heroes Issue 8

No Heroes - Issue 8 Cover

I Exist seven strong

I Exist

I Exist have had a total of seven members for a while now, so far they’ve only played one show with all seven, usually it’s six members on stage with either JJ or Kelly on third guitar. This is the first promo of them with seven members.

I Exist
This is the new header image of their myspace, seven dudes with a sword getting silly, Patrick Galvin did the graphic design.

Not sure if I’ll post the original image, I might actually do some prints of it if anyone is interested.

Bad Romance

This is the back cover of a split 7″ between I Exist and Phantoms, I took the photo. If I had known at the time that it would be used for anything more than a snapshot I would have put more effort into it. Design and layout by Patrick Galvin who also drew the front cover, which can be seen here: http://patrickgalvin.tumblr.com/post/1643087385/heres-something-i-drew-up-a-while-ago-that-ive

Just south of Brisbane is a lovely place where dreams come true – Wet ‘n’ Wild. While touring together in March 2010, Canberra sludge merchants I Exist and Sydney pseudo thugs Phantoms visited this magical place and decided to immortalise it in song. Recorded in one afternoon with Lachlan Mitchell between visits to Sizzler and a Soulfly concert, the result is Bad Romance, 2 songs from each act and all named after Wet ‘n’ Wild rides.

The 7″ will be released January 14th 2011, with a pre order available from December 6th.


A track from the I Exist side ‘Mammoth Falls’ is up now too on  www.myspace.com/iexistmusic

Here are the original blog posts from that trip to Queensland.

I Exist.Anchors.In Trenches.Gigs

I went to Sydney with I Exist, then to Brisbane with In Trenches for their show with Anchors.

In Trenches

I Exist
