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Bad Romance Tour – 1

Some photos from the first leg of the Bad Romance Tour with I Exist and Phantoms.

Phantoms promo

Did some new promos for Phantoms in Queen Victoria Markets in Melbourne.

I Exist Phantoms Recording

I spent the day in the studio with I Exist and Phantoms as they recorded their split 7″ ‘Bad Romance’ with Lachlan Mitchell.

The 7″ will be released January 14th 2011, with a pre order available from December 6th.
The artwork can be here: http://tumblr.com/xl4r692c9


A track from the I Exist side ‘Mammoth Falls’ is up now too on  www.myspace.com/iexistmusic

Bad Romance

This is the back cover of a split 7″ between I Exist and Phantoms, I took the photo. If I had known at the time that it would be used for anything more than a snapshot I would have put more effort into it. Design and layout by Patrick Galvin who also drew the front cover, which can be seen here: http://patrickgalvin.tumblr.com/post/1643087385/heres-something-i-drew-up-a-while-ago-that-ive

Just south of Brisbane is a lovely place where dreams come true – Wet ‘n’ Wild. While touring together in March 2010, Canberra sludge merchants I Exist and Sydney pseudo thugs Phantoms visited this magical place and decided to immortalise it in song. Recorded in one afternoon with Lachlan Mitchell between visits to Sizzler and a Soulfly concert, the result is Bad Romance, 2 songs from each act and all named after Wet ‘n’ Wild rides.

The 7″ will be released January 14th 2011, with a pre order available from December 6th.


A track from the I Exist side ‘Mammoth Falls’ is up now too on  www.myspace.com/iexistmusic

Here are the original blog posts from that trip to Queensland.

Phantoms – As Above, So Below

Phantoms asked me to cut together some live footage of them, and make a trailer for their new album As Above, So Below.

Phantoms’ debut album ‘As Above, So Below’ available September 20th 2010 through Trial and Error Records.

Pre order online at:

Phantoms – Newcastle

Phantoms played the Dropsaw album launch in Newcastle.
Photos of Dropsaw here and I Exist here. Video of the show in another previous post.


Dcold chucked a bit of a sing.

Phantoms at Hardcore 2010

Phantoms at the Saturday all ages show of Hardcore 2010.

Hardcore 2010

Just a few quick photos from the weekend.

I Exist played as a seven piece, with four guitarists.



50 Lions



I Exist – Basement show

I haven’t gotten around to editing all the tour photos or video yet.
Here’s some video of I Exist, Phantoms and Warbrain  playing a basement show yesterday.

Roots bloody roots intro, Inveiglement, Invert the son, One thousand hooves. Jake attempted an inverted cross head stand
with the microphone in his mouth and chipped his tooth. At some point on tour I Exist decided to start doing parts of old metal songs as intros, Roots Bloody Roots by Sepultura was probably the best one.

I Exist Phantoms Queensland Video

Video from the the I Exist Phantoms Bad Bromance Queensland Weekender March 2010.

I Exist playing ‘One Thousand Hooves’ at Shed 5, and ‘TheTemptress’ at Snitch nightclub. Both off their debut album ‘I: A Turn For The Worse’ out now on Common Bond Records, available from http://www.capitalcitycartel.bigcartel.com/
Photos from these shows at http://www.jhatphoto.com/2010/04/i-exist-queensland-day-2.html and http://www.jhatphoto.com/2010/04/i-exist-queensland-day-1.html
Interview done by some kid in Brisbane who has a blog.

Phantoms playing Skeletons/ sort of covering ‘Bad Romance’ by Lady Gaga at Browning st reherasal studio. Video lit entirely by a desk lamp on the left side of the room.
Photos from this show at http://www.jhatphoto.com/2010/04/i-exist-queensland-day-3-part-2.html


I Exist Queensland Day 3 – Part 2

Sentiments are Jamo’s new band, (Jamo was Hard Luck’s last drummer.)

By the time Phantoms played, it was getting really hot in that room.

Video of this show will turn up one day

I Exist Queensland Day 2

Benny was up in Queensland on holidays while we were there. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of taking photos of him, such a colourful guy. He used plays drums in Hard Luck, Pressures on and now Observer

He got his head tattooed that weekend, but wasn’t really keen on me taking photos of it.

I Exist and Phantoms went to Wet N’ Wild, here’s the obligatory crew photo.

A large version of this photo is available here.
During the day both bands talked of doing a water slide themed split 7″, I hope this happens.
These are two photos from the automated camera they have on Mammoth falls, this was the best ride of the day.

The show that day was at Shed 5 on the Gold Coast, basically a storage unit/warehouse that has been converted into a bar and venue, the stage is bit high for a venue of this size, so the bands opted to play on the floor instead. After getting dinner from a vegan restaurant, that we were told was “just down the road from the venue” but turned out to be a 20 minute drive away, we came back just in time for Phantoms to play. 430ex stage right back light, 430ex stage left a few meters in front of the stage area.

Marathon are from Brisbane, I hadn’t really heard them before this show, I really liked them, they sound a bit like Converge. I ended up seeing these guys play a few times over the next week and hung out with them a fair bit between shows. They came to Canberra the next week and then played Melbourne while I was there the following weekend.

Apparently when I Exist played Jake fell over in his footy shorts revealing his ‘spam javelin’, although Aaron was the only one who witnessed this.

Aaron having an out of body experience.

I Exist Queensland Day 1

I went to Queensland with I Exist and Phantoms.

Kerry King, lest we forget. Artwork by my mate Jake, the best setlist he has ever made.

After sleeping at the airport for a few hours and visiting the junkie filled streets of Fortitude Valley, I met Phantoms at the airport and drove around aimlessly until the show started.


The first show was at Snitch at Club 299. 430ex stage right, up front, 430ex stage left, middle of the stage. Some video of this gig will turn up one day.

I Exist

Strength Through Purity and Crime Scene were the two local bands.

Crime Scene

Converge live video Brisbane

It was a lucky coincidence that Converge were playing the last show of their Australian tour, on the same day that I Exist and Phantoms finished off their Queensland tour. Not only were both shows in the same city, but literally around the corner from one and other. So when I Exist and Phantoms finished their afternoon show, we had time to eat dinner, some of us ate at The Forrest which made awesome vegan tempe burgers, and then most of us headed to the hifi bar to watch Converge. I shot some video and took some photos, more of which will be posted soon.

The setlist for this show was:
Dark Horse
You Fail Me
Bare My Teeth/Black Rose
No Heroes
Locust Reign
Reap What You Sow
Worms Will Feed
Axe To Fall
First Light
Eagles Become Vultures
The Broken Vow
Drop Out
Hope Street
Bitter and Then Some
Last Light
Jane Doe

Slowburn’s last show video

The photos from this show are in the previous post. All the video is shot at a 1/100th sec, to make it look like Saving Private Ryan. Not really, but I like the fast shutter speed look. The video of ‘Bongs’ looks and sounds the best.

There was a good turnout to this gig, a number of people traveled from Melbourne and Sydney for it. It was sad to see Slowburn go, but it was a very fun day. They played a set that covered their entire time as a band, right from the early Top Gun songs, through to the album that was never released.

Slowburn’s last show

Slowburn decided to break up in November 2009. They started in 2006, they played their last show on the 6th of March 2010. Video of this show will be up tomorrow probably. All bands lit with 430ex left of stage against the wall about 4 meters in front of the stage, and 430ex back light stage right.

Something must break, this was one of this band’s first shows and was first time I’d heard of them, they played very well for such a young band.

Phantoms are a bunch of awesome dudes, sometimes they cover Sad but true.

Relentless from Sydney, featuring Dcold from the internet.

Slowburn had two different singers during their time as a band, Dave and Sam both sang some songs at this show, and during the change over they sang a song together. Most of the these guys are in new bands: I Exist, Yoko Oh No, Jerkstore and Observer.

For anyone interested, this was their set list. In Dave’s words “Some you don’t know and some you don’t.” They also played bongs at the end when the crowd demanded it.

Going to Queensland

 I’m Going to Queensland today.

I Exist will have these shirts at the shows. If there’s any left afterward they will probably go on the Capital city web store. Patrick did both the designs.

Took these very quickly with Jake modeling them for a laugh. Shoot through umbrella camera left, bare strobe camera right.

Here’s a photo of Phantoms from when they played in Canberra a couple of weeks ago.

Dcold and Caed

Jungle Fever – Final Final Final Show?

Jungle Fever broke up in 2008, then in December last year they played a reunion show in Melbourne, then another in Brisbane this year, and finally this gig in Sydney at the Sando. I’m not complaining, if anything I think this should be a yearly occurance. This band is almost universaly loved by hardcore fans in Australia, including me.

I lit this show with a 430ex either side of the stage, one a bit further back to create a 3/4 backlight and one in line with the front of the stage. I wasn’t really happy with the light for any of the bands, I moved them around a bit between bands, but wasn’t really able to get enough front light on the band members.

Phantoms feature members of Rex Banner and Jack Napier, and probably some other bands I don’t know of. This was the first time I’d seen them, people say they sound bit like Madball. They’re doing some shows with I Exist soon, so I’ll be seeing them a lot more.

Ill Brigade. I know nothing about this band, except that Pepper likes them.

Had It are from Sydney, at least one of them was in AVO, they played Vocal Test, Pepper likes them also.

Sex Wizard feature a bunch of the Jungle Fever guys playing different instruments, they have a very different sound to Jungle Fever. This is the second time I’ve seen them, they’ve been great both times.

I think I’ve seen Jungle Fever anout 7 times, and I this was probably my favourite gig of their’s.