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I Exist – Studio video


I shot some video of I Exist while they were in the studio recording their second album, and edited it together to their song ‘Wyvern’s Keep’. All shot on a Canon 5DmkII.

I Exist has posted a studio clip of a new song taken from their forthcoming album. ‘Wyverns Keep’ will feature on the bands new album “II: The Broken Passage” which will be released on June 17 on both CD and LP through Resist Records. To cut the long-player, the band returned to Melbourne’s Goatsound Studios, this time with US producer Billy Anderson helming the desk, whose credits include Sleep’s Sleep’s Holy Mountain and Eyehategod’s Dopesick: both hugely influential records for the band.


Break Even – No Sleep Til

Break Even at ‘No Sleep Til’ Sydney.

More photos will be in the next issue of No Heroes

Ire at Catfood Press

Took some photos and videos of Ire when they supported 4Dead at Catfood Press in Melbourne.

Wonder Years Video

Shot some video of The Wonder Years at the Gaelic Club in Sydney on the 11th of September 2010.

Photos of this show will be in the next issue of Blunt.

Pod People – Promos

I did these a few months back, at a tree that was described to me as “doom looking”.
Pod People are a Canberra doom/stoner metal band, that have been around for ages.

Maggs the drummer refused to pull a serious face.

This is a video of them I took quite a while ago when I first got my 5D.

Phantoms – As Above, So Below

Phantoms asked me to cut together some live footage of them, and make a trailer for their new album As Above, So Below.

Phantoms’ debut album ‘As Above, So Below’ available September 20th 2010 through Trial and Error Records.

Pre order online at:

4Dead Melbourne

I went down to Melbourne with 4Dead for two shows, these were their first interstate shows with the new lineup.
This is some video from the all ages show at Catfood Press, Jon punched the head off a cymbal stand during the second song.

And this is 4Dead standing in a field, of what I assume is Canola.


Mary Jane Kelly Built On Secrets video

A couple of videos from the Sydney show of the Like There’s No Tomorrow tour, Dead Kings video in a previous post.

Mary Jane Kelly

Built On Secrets

Mary Jane Kelly and Built on Secrets at the bald faced stag in sydney on the 18th of July 2010. On the ‘Like there’s no tomorrow tour’ with Dead Kings.

Shot on a 5d mkII 24-70mm f2.8. The LED back lights caused some srobing and I couldn’t find a shutter speed to eliminate it.

Dead Kings videos – Bald Faced Stag

Pirana Music videos

Last year I finished a degree in Communication(Media Arts Production) at the University of Canberra. One of the last assigments was to create a marketing campaign for a real business. I shot these online videos for Pirana Music as part of the multimedia campaign. Essentially just simple interviews about various lines of products they sell, inercut with close ups of the instruments.

Mindsnare – Hardcore 2010

Mindsnare headlined both days of Hardcore this year.

Video from Friday.
Video from Saturday.

Photos from Friday. 430ex either side of stage and some shots have an extra vivitar 383 as a backlight stage left. Really liked the effect the smoke machine had on these shots.

Photos from Saturday, 430ex stage right up front, 430ex stage left around the middle acting as more of a backlight in some shots.


I Exist – Hardcore 2010

I Exist played the Saturday all ages show of Hardcore 2010 at the Factory Theatre. Originally intending to play with only 3 guitarist, which has become the norm now that Alex is back. On the day it was decided to have Kelly play as well, seeing as he was already there, he knew all the songs and there was enough amps on stage. This was the biggest show the band has played, the biggest stage, the biggest crowd they’ve played to and the most entertaining show they’ve ever played.

The video really doesn’t do justice to the ridiculous spectacle that was 7 people on stage, and 8 when Caed joined in to sing ‘The temptress’.

This was also one of the few times they’ve played Dragonaught live.

And I’ll end with a photo from one of the two gigs in October 2009 when I Exist played as a 3 piece, while Alex was in South America and Sam had a broken arm. Aaron played guitar through a guitar amp and a bass amp, the band was still great.

Hardcore 2010 Friday Videos

Bunch of video from the Friday night over eighteens Hardcore 2010 at the Manning Bar. Lighting was generally terrible, far too much red and the 5D video doesn’t do well with strobe lights.
Some of my photos are up on the Blunt site here.

Dangers and Carpathian Video

I saw Dangers play with Graf Orlock four times last week in Sydney and in Wollongong, and I’ll be seeing them again tomorrow in Canberra. While in Sydney I also went to the Carpathain gig at St. Ives.
Here’s some videos of Dangers and Carpathian.

Sydney tapes blog has some audio of the Dangers graf Orlock house show here.
Also someone asked me to upload just my audio of the house show, so I’ll do that once I’ve uploaded all the video.

Dropsaw – Album launch video

I Exist – Basement show

I haven’t gotten around to editing all the tour photos or video yet.
Here’s some video of I Exist, Phantoms and Warbrain  playing a basement show yesterday.

Roots bloody roots intro, Inveiglement, Invert the son, One thousand hooves. Jake attempted an inverted cross head stand
with the microphone in his mouth and chipped his tooth. At some point on tour I Exist decided to start doing parts of old metal songs as intros, Roots Bloody Roots by Sepultura was probably the best one.

I Exist plays an indie house party

I Exist played with a bunch of hipster bands at a house warming party for a friend in Canberra. The show wasn’t really advertised, people who knew they were playing were mainly friends of the band, but there were a lot of people there who wouldn’t normally be exposed to I Exist or hardcore in general. A fight almost broke out a one point (see video below), Sean attempted to start a spit parti and many people tried stage diving of tables. Lit this very differently (and poorly) to other shows, both lights as back lights at either side of the band.

Taipan Earthlings Backyard

Taipan and Earthlings, Rort, Eye Gouge and Jerskstore played in a backyard in Canberra. No photos from this show, just a bunch of video. A drunken bus driver started performing wrestling maneuvers on various members of the crowd. The show was pretty wild, weren’t many safe places to stand with the camera, the footage looks fairly horrible, but it’s fun to watch. Show finished with yet another cover of ‘Bongs’ by various members of each band.

I Exist Phantoms Queensland Video

Video from the the I Exist Phantoms Bad Bromance Queensland Weekender March 2010.

I Exist playing ‘One Thousand Hooves’ at Shed 5, and ‘TheTemptress’ at Snitch nightclub. Both off their debut album ‘I: A Turn For The Worse’ out now on Common Bond Records, available from http://www.capitalcitycartel.bigcartel.com/
Photos from these shows at http://www.jhatphoto.com/2010/04/i-exist-queensland-day-2.html and http://www.jhatphoto.com/2010/04/i-exist-queensland-day-1.html
Interview done by some kid in Brisbane who has a blog.

Phantoms playing Skeletons/ sort of covering ‘Bad Romance’ by Lady Gaga at Browning st reherasal studio. Video lit entirely by a desk lamp on the left side of the room.
Photos from this show at http://www.jhatphoto.com/2010/04/i-exist-queensland-day-3-part-2.html


I Exist recording video

I shot a bunch of video of I Exist recording in Melbourne. I quickly cut together some of the footage.
They have new songs up on their myspace. The Album comes out next week May 7th 2010.

Facebook link in the video is wrong, go to www.facebook.com/iexistcbr

Converge live video Brisbane

It was a lucky coincidence that Converge were playing the last show of their Australian tour, on the same day that I Exist and Phantoms finished off their Queensland tour. Not only were both shows in the same city, but literally around the corner from one and other. So when I Exist and Phantoms finished their afternoon show, we had time to eat dinner, some of us ate at The Forrest which made awesome vegan tempe burgers, and then most of us headed to the hifi bar to watch Converge. I shot some video and took some photos, more of which will be posted soon.

The setlist for this show was:
Dark Horse
You Fail Me
Bare My Teeth/Black Rose
No Heroes
Locust Reign
Reap What You Sow
Worms Will Feed
Axe To Fall
First Light
Eagles Become Vultures
The Broken Vow
Drop Out
Hope Street
Bitter and Then Some
Last Light
Jane Doe

Slowburn’s last show video

The photos from this show are in the previous post. All the video is shot at a 1/100th sec, to make it look like Saving Private Ryan. Not really, but I like the fast shutter speed look. The video of ‘Bongs’ looks and sounds the best.

There was a good turnout to this gig, a number of people traveled from Melbourne and Sydney for it. It was sad to see Slowburn go, but it was a very fun day. They played a set that covered their entire time as a band, right from the early Top Gun songs, through to the album that was never released.

Little Lungs – Last vegan house show

This was the last show at this house, before everyone moved out. I Exist didn’t play.
I took some video. The only light in the room was from a set of fake traffic lights, the kind you’d find at a primary school disco, lying on the floor to the left of the band. For most of the photos I used a 430ex to the left and one to the right both at ceiling height, also these were taken with my 5D.

Jerkstore from Canberra

Alphabet Snakes from Melbourne

Little Lungs from New York

There wasn’t a huge turnout for this show, no one had really heard of Little Lungs before the tour, it was a good show nonetheless.